H13 Quality Living.

About Us

Hello! We are Jericho and Jennifer Jimentel. We, ok maybe me, had a dream of becoming a disc golf manufacturer with our own line of discs and apparel line to match.  First, we wanted to learn the business side of disc golf and this Hole 13 Disc Golf Shop was born. After a year of business, we felt we knew what we wanted out of our own line and ready to take the plunge into manufacturing. Hmm, but what to call it? To understand this, you have to know a bit about us on a more personal level. Jennifer and I have struggled for years with fertility. Even trying things like Invitro in our attempts to start a family. Through these trials, we learned something important. There is more to life than the perceived reality of the rat race. We started living life with a higher intention. We set out to see the world, and take advantage of long weekends and vacation time to travel where we can. We even take our discs with us for the adventure. We wanted our brand to speak for our belief in living life to the highest and seeing the world. That’s when it all came together and H13 (High) Disc Golf was realized. With the 13 instead of igh to pay homage to our roots as a retailer shop, we were ready to bring living a H13er life into our next chapter as a manufacturer. We are ready to work every day within the community to reach the H13 bar we set with our mission statement.